Sunday, 14 October 2018

Evidence of Allah - Quran Chapter 4 -165 to 167 (Pt-6, Stg-1) (L-630) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 4- 165 to 167 (Pt-6, Stg-1) (L-630) - درس قرآن

Evidence of Allah

Suratun-Nisaaa’  (The Women) – Chapter – 4)


In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

رُّسُلًا مُّبَشِّرِينَ وَمُنذِرِينَ لِئَلَّا يَكُونَ لِلنَّاسِ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ حُجَّةٌۢ بَعْدَٱلرُّسُلِ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ عَزِيزًا حَكِيمًا (165

لَّٰكِنِ ٱللَّهُ يَشْهَدُ بِمَآ أَنزَلَ إِلَيْكَ أَنزَلَهُۥ بِعِلْمِهِۦ وَٱلْمَلَٰٓئِكَةُ يَشْهَدُونَ وَكَفَىٰ بِٱللَّهِ شَهِيدًا (166

إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ وَصَدُّوا۟ عَن سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ قَدْ ضَلُّوا۟ ضَلَٰلًۢا بَعِيدًا (167

165.  (We sent) messengers of 
good cheer and of warning, in 
order that mankind might have 
no argument against Allah 
after the messengers. And 
Allah is ever Mighty, Wise.

166.  But Allah (Himself) 
testifieth concerning that 
which He hath revealeth 
unto thee; in His knowledge 
hath He revealed it; and the 
angels also testify. And 
 Allah is Sufficient Witness.
167.  Lo! Those who disbelieve and hinder (others) from the Way of Allah, they verily have wandered far astray.   
165.  Rusulam-mubash-shiriina    wa  munziriina  li-‘allaa  yakuuna  linnaasi  ‘alAllaahi  hujjatum- ba’-dar-rusul.  Wa  kaanAllaahu  ‘Aziizan  Hakiimaa. 

166.  Laaki-NIllaahu  yash-hadu  bimaaa  ‘anzala  ‘ilayka  ‘anza-lahuu  bi-‘ilmih.  Wal-malaaa-‘ikatu  yash-haduun.  Wa  kafaa  BIllaahi  Shahiidaa. 

167.  ‘Innal-laziina  kafaruu  wa  sadduu  ‘an-Sabii-LIllaahi  qad  zalluu  zalaalam-ba-‘iidaa.    


Li-‘allaa – actually these are three alphabetical letters – li, ‘an, laa. It means – in order that – no. In writing usually it is written li-‘allaa. The letter “n” is deleted. 

Sadduu  - they hindered, it is from sadd, which means ‘to hinder, to prevent, to disallow, to refrain’. Zalluu – (to stray), It has been made from the word zalaal, which means ‘to lose the way’. Zalluu  zalaalam-ba-‘iidaa - they have adopted wrong path and wandered far astray after leaving the true Way. 

Allah Almighty says in this verse, “We sent many Messengers (peace be upon them) heretofore. It was their duty to cause to hear the people good cheer, who do well, that they will be given very good retaliation (reward) of their good deeds, and warn them who are evildoers, that they will be oppressed by different types of adversities and will be punished very severely.

Aim to send the Messengers (peace be upon them) was that the people may not argue and evade on the Doomsday that they did not know about the Straight Path. They might say, “If we had known about the correct way, surely we would have adopted it”. After sending the Messengers (peace be upon them), now they cannot say these words, because they (peace be upon them) have told the people very clearly about the truth. Now if they do not obey them (peace be upon them), then they will be punished according to their deeds.

If Allah Almighty wished, He was able to direct all the human beings forcibly towards the Straight Path, because He is Ever Mighty and very Wise. But His Wisdom and Plan wished to empower them and give them reward or punishment of deeds. Then it has been emphasized, “We have determined the Holy Qur’aan for perfect guidance of the humankind for entire times, and We testify it and the Angels (peace be upon them) are also its witnesses that It has all necessary things, which human beings need”.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Pak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’an published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif).

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Divine Revelation - Quran Chapter 4 -163 & 164 (Pt-6, Stg-1) (L-629) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 4- 163 & 164 (Pt-6, Stg-1) (L-629) - درس قرآن

Divine Revelation

Suratun-Nisaaa’  (The Women) – Chapter – 4)


In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

  إِنَّآ أَوْحَيْنَآ إِلَيْكَ كَمَآ أَوْحَيْنَآ إِلَىٰ نُوحٍ وَٱلنَّبِيِّۦنَ مِنۢ بَعْدِهِۦ وَأَوْحَيْنَآ إِلَىٰٓ إِبْرَٰهِيمَوَإِسْمَٰعِيلَ وَإِسْحَٰقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَٱلْأَسْبَاطِ وَعِيسَىٰ وَأَيُّوبَ وَيُونُسَ وَهَٰرُونَ وَسُلَيْمَٰنَ وَءَاتَيْنَا دَاوُۥدَ زَبُورًا (163

 وَرُسُلًا قَدْ قَصَصْنَٰهُمْ عَلَيْكَمِن قَبْلُ وَرُسُلًا لَّمْ نَقْصُصْهُمْ عَلَيْكَ وَكَلَّمَ ٱللَّهُ مُوسَىٰ تَكْلِيمًا (164

163.  Lo! We inspire thee as We inspired Noah and the Prophets after him, as We inspired Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and Jesus and Job and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon, and as We imparted unto David the Psalms.

164. And messengers We have mentioned unto thee before and messengers We have not mentioned unto thee. And Allah spake directly unto Moses.   
163.  ‘Innaaa  ‘aw-hayNaaa  ‘ilayka  kamaaa  ‘aw-hayNaaa  ‘ilaa  Nuuhinw-wanna-biyyiina  mim-  ba’-dih.  Wa  ‘aw  hayNaaa  ‘ilaa  ‘Ibraa-hiima  wa  ‘Ismaa-‘iila  wa  ‘Is-haaqa  wa  Ya’-quuba  wal-‘asbaati  wa  ‘Iisaa  wa  ‘Ayyuuba  wa  Yuunusa  wa  Haaruuna  wa  Sulaymaan.  Wa  ‘aatayNaa  Daawuuda  Zabuuraa.

164.  Wa  rusulan  qad  qasas-Naahum  ‘alayka  min- qablu  wa  rusulal-lam  Naqsus-hum  ‘alayk. Wa  kalla-mAllaahu  Muusaa  takliimaa.    


 ‘Aw-hayNaaa – (We inspire, We reveal), it is from ‘iihaa, which has been made from Vahii. Vahii means Divine revelation, inspiration i.e. “to say something to someone in the manner that the person, who is saying, cannot be seen”. Secondly it means, “Either to signify or to send message by means of an Angel (peace be upon him)”. Therefore, aim of ‘aw-hayNaaa is, “We sent message to the Prophets either through Angels (peace be upon them) or in Our own Sound, a little (in parts) or instantly”.
‘Asbaata  - it is plural of sabat, which means a tribe. Sons, grandsons and next their children, all are included in it.
Kalla-ma  - (spoke), it is from takliim, which means to speak, and it has been made from Kalaam, that is to say; to discourse, to converse, to talk.

Allah Almighty addresses His Last Messenger, Muhammad Mustafaa (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him) and says, “We inspire unto you as We inspired before it (Prophets) Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and their children – Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron and Solomon (peace be upon Them). And We imparted the Scripture Psalms (Zabuur) to Prophet David (peace be upon Him). And We spoke directly to Prophet Moses (peace be upon Him).

Besides them, many other Prophets and Messengers (peace be upon them) came in the world, who have not been mentioned in the Holy Qur’aan. Aim of revealing from these verses is that messenger-hood of Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him) is not a new thing. This chain of sending the Prophets and Messengers (peace be upon them) has been coming from the beginning of the humankind. Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him) is the last ring of that chain as the last brick of any perfect building. Moreover, the Muslims believe in the entire Prophets and Messengers (peace be upon them) and accept that they all were true, who came before the last Messenger i.e. Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him), whether the Muslims do not know their names and biographies.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Pak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’an published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif).

Friday, 12 October 2018

Biggest Reward - Quran Chapter 4 -162 (Pt-6, Stg-1) (L-628) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 4- 162 (Pt-6, Stg-1) (L-628) - درس قرآن

Biggest Reward

Suratun-Nisaaa’  (The Women) – Chapter – 4)


In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

لَّٰكِنِ ٱلرَّٰسِخُونَ فِى ٱلْعِلْمِمِنْهُمْ وَٱلْمُؤْمِنُونَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِمَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ وَمَآ أُنزِلَ مِن قَبْلِكَ وَٱلْمُقِيمِينَ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَٱلْمُؤْتُونَ ٱلزَّكَوٰةَ وَٱلْمُؤْمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ وَٱلْيَوْمِٱلْءَاخِرِ أُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ سَنُؤْتِيهِمْ أَجْرًا عَظِيمًا (162

162.  But those of them who are firm in knowledge and the believers believe in that which is revealed unto thee, and that which was revealed before thee, and who keep up prayer and pay the poor-due, and the believers in Allah and the Last Day. Upon these We shall bestow immense reward.
162.  Laakinir-Raasi-khuuna  fil-‘ilmi  minhum  wal-Mu’-minuuna  yu’-minuuna  bi-maaa  ‘unzila  ‘ilayka  wa  maaa  ‘unzila  min- qablika  wa  muqiimii-nas-Salaata  wal-mu’-tuunaz-Zakaata  wal-Mu’-minuuna  BIllaahi  wal- Yawmil-‘Aakhir.  ‘Ulaaa-‘ika  sanu’-tii-him  ‘ajran  ‘aziimaa.


 ‘Ar-Raasi-khuuna – (who are firm), this word is plural of Raasikh, which is fromRasuukh. Rasuukh means ‘to brood in something accumulated’. Raasikh means firm, stable, fixed or immutable.

’Ar-Raasi-khuuna  fil-‘ilmi – (who are firm in knowledge), that is to say; those individuals who have become expert and matured in knowledge, who have reached the depth of science and their hearts do not tremble due to doubts.

‘Al-muqiimiinas-Salaata – (those, who establish prayer)

It was described in the verse before it that the Children of Israel are very cruel. They talk such words fearlessly, which are sins in accordance with the Law, and the reason of their so talking is that their hearts are free from the fear of Allah Almighty. It has been mentioned in this verse that some of them are those who are intelligent and they reach the depth of every matter soon, and they understand that pleasures of the world are not more than like a few moments against the Day of Resurrection. Suppose! These pleasures are of hours, then what? It entire depends upon the health, strength and fitness of the body, but these are changeable. Without them, riches are also useless. On the contrary, there will be neither any sign of illness or death in the life of Hereafter (the life after death from this world), and nor the pleasures will come to an end in minutes, hours or days. Moreover, those pleasures will be for every time and forever. For those pleasures, you have to believe in One God (Allah Almighty), His Angels and Messengers including the last one i.e. Muhammad (peace be upon them), His Scriptures including the last i.e. Holy Qur’an and your only duty is to obey God’s Commandments. You have to keep up the prayer, pay the poor-due, believe in the Day of Resurrection, and remain away from the stupid tastes and harmful things. The best reward is ready for them in the next lives, who adopt this Way. Wise people choose such Path only.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Pak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’an published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif).

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Severity on the Jews - Quran Chapter 4 -160 & 161 (Pt-6, Stg-1) (L-627) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 4- 160 to 161 (Pt-6, Stg-1) (L-627) - درس قرآن

Severity on the Jews

Suratun-Nisaaa’  (The Women) – Chapter – 4)


In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

فَبِظُلْمٍ مِّنَ ٱلَّذِينَ هَادُوا۟ حَرَّمْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ طَيِّبَٰتٍ أُحِلَّتْ لَهُمْ وَبِصَدِّهِمْ عَن سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ كَثِيرًا (160

وَأَخْذِهِمُ ٱلرِّبَوٰا۟ وَقَدْ نُهُوا۟ عَنْهُ وَأَكْلِهِمْ أَمْوَٰلَ ٱلنَّاسِ بِٱلْبَٰطِلِ وَأَعْتَدْنَا لِلْكَٰفِرِينَ مِنْهُمْ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا (161

160.  Because of the wrongdoing of the Jews We forbade them good things which were (before) made  lawful unto them, and because of their much hindering from Allah’s Way-

161.  And because of their taking usury when they were forbidden it, and of their devouring people’s wealth by false pretences. And We have prepared for those of them who disbelieve a painful doom.
160.  Fabi-zulmim-minallaziina  haaduu  harramNaa  ‘alayhim  tayyi-baatin  ‘u-hillat  lahum  wa  bi-saddihim  ‘an  Sabii-Lillaahi   kasiiraa.

161.  Wa  ‘akh-zihimur-Ribaa  wa  nuhuu  ‘anhu  wa  ‘akli-him  ‘amwaa-lannaasi  bil-baatil.  Wa  ‘a’-tadNaa  lil-kaafiriina  minhum  ‘azaaban  ‘aliimaa. 


Wicked deeds and bad descriptions of the Jews were mentioned in the previous verses. Much about them has already been described in Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow – Chapter -2), from which it is easy to understand about their persistence and stubbornness. And really, every person, who joined them, found them as such with his own experience. It has been indicated in this verse that very severe orders were passed to them due to their obstinacy and committing sins fearlessly. It was impossible to correct their tempers without severe punishments.

It is a famous saying, “An oak is not felled with one stroke”. They were punished very severely. Even then; they were too much cruel that they used to be correct for a few days, and again used to become as they were earlier. In the beginning, which comforts were given to them by the Religious Law of Allah Almighty, those were hardened and many lawful things were forbidden to be used by them. For instance, most eatable things were lawful for them and also the Divine Laws were not too much severe. But they practiced such mischief and tyrannies that, when Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) brought Torah, in It there were very severe commands for them. And they were deprived of many out of those lawful things.

Their tempers had been out of control due to facilities, therefore very severe Religious Laws were sent for them. They had crossed the limits of the Law. It had become their hobby to stop the people from the prescribed Way of Allah Almighty. They never used to consider a little as badness in taking the usury/ interest, whereas they were forbidden from it. In addition to this, they used to take forcible possession of wealth and property too from the people wrongfully, as sometimes by means of robbery, sometime or other through deceiving the people and wheedling them. On the whole, they used to misappropriate fearlessly the wealth of others, as it might be possible.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Pak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’an published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif).

Commentary on Last Scripture

  Commentary on Last Scripture Volume 1   Lessons # 1 to 528 from Parts 1 to 4 of Holy Qur’an, Lessons from Chapters: 1.’Al -Faatiha...