Tuesday, 19 November 2019

The final Decision - Quran Chapter 7 – 89b & 90 (Pt-9, Stg-2) (L-997) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 7 – 89b & 90 (Pt-9, Stg-2) (L-997) - درس قرآن

The final Decision

Chapter ‘Al-‘A’raaf (The Heights) – Surah – 7)

‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. 
(I seek refuge in God from Satan the outcast)


(In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful)

 قَدِ ٱفْتَرَيْنَا عَلَى ٱللَّهِ كَذِبًا إِنْ عُدْنَا فِىمِلَّتِكُم بَعْدَ إِذْ نَجَّىٰنَا ٱللَّهُ مِنْهَا وَمَا يَكُونُ لَنَآ أَن نَّعُودَ فِيهَآ إِلَّآ أَن يَشَآءَ ٱللَّهُ رَبُّنَا وَسِعَ رَبُّنَا كُلَّ شَىْءٍ عِلْمًا عَلَى ٱللَّهِ تَوَكَّلْنَا رَبَّنَا ٱفْتَحْ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَقَوْمِنَا بِٱلْحَقِّ وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ ٱلْفَٰتِحِينَ 89

وَقَالَ ٱلْمَلَأُ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ مِن قَوْمِهِۦ لَئِنِ ٱتَّبَعْتُمْ شُعَيْبًا إِنَّكُمْ إِذًا لَّخَٰسِرُونَ 90

89b.  And it is not for us to return to it unless Allah our Lord should (so) will. Our Lord comprehendeth all things in knowledge. In Allah do we put our trust. Our Lord! Decide with truth between us and our folk, for Thou art the Best of those who make decision.

90.  And the chieftains of his people, who were disbelieving, said: If ye follow Shu-aib , then truly ye shall be the losers.  
89b.  Wa  maa  yakuunu  lanaaa  ‘an-na-‘uuda  fiihaaa  ‘illaaa  ‘any-yashaaa-‘Allaahu  Rabbunaa.  Wasi-‘a  Rabbunaa  kulla  shay-‘in  ‘ilmaa.  ‘AlAllaahi  ta-wakkalnaa.  Rabbanaf-tah  bay-nanaa  wa  bay-na  qawminaa  bil-haqqi  wa  ‘Anta  Khay-rul-Faatihiin.

90.  Wa  qaalal-mala-‘ul-laziina  kafaruu  min-  qawmihii  la-‘inittaba’-tum  Shu-‘ayban  ‘innakum  ‘izalla-khaasiruun.     

Prophet Shu-aib (blessing on Him) is going to answer to the chieftains of His nation: You say to us: We should accept your religion against our will. It is not possible for us.

Remaining part of the answer by Prophet Shu-aib (blessing on Him) has been mentioned in this verse. It is commanded that Prophet Shu-aib (blessing on Him) said: it is not our duty to embrace your religion. It is another thing if Allah Almighty wills so, otherwise, we will never do so. Our Lord has knowledge of everything. We have given our matter in charge of Him. We have humbled our head before His Command.

“Our Lord! We call these people towards the Straight Path according to Your Order, whereas they desire to drive us violently on the crooked way. Now the decision is in Your hand. Decide between both parties of us in such a way: that thing should be given to such party, which deserves that”.

Even after hearing the prayer in such eloquent and elegant words from Prophet Shu-aib (blessing on Him), they did not wake up and those perverse and obstinate chieftains, who were bent on infidelity, they said to their people: Listen to us! If we obeyed Prophet Shu-aib (blessing on Him), this entire ready-made game of ours would be at variance, and we would have to bear a heavy loss.

If power and authority comes in the hands of selfish people, they try to keep the public under their control, to crush the well-wishers of common people, for preserving their influence, becoming blind and deaf similarly. Consequently, the advisers are saved but the self-interested people are ruined along with the common people.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif). https://youtu.be/AeU5ENJBEoQ

Monday, 18 November 2019

Reply by the folk - Quran Chapter 7 – 88 & 89a (Pt-9, Stg-2) (L-996) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 7 – 88 & 89a (Pt-9, Stg-2) (L-996) - درس قرآن

Reply by the folk

Chapter ‘Al-‘A’raaf (The Heights) – Surah – 7)

‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. 
(I seek refuge in God from Satan the outcast)


(In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful)

قَالَ ٱلْمَلَأُ ٱلَّذِينَ ٱسْتَكْبَرُوا۟ مِنقَوْمِهِۦ لَنُخْرِجَنَّكَ يَٰشُعَيْبُ وَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ مَعَكَ مِن قَرْيَتِنَآ أَوْ لَتَعُودُنَّ فِى مِلَّتِنَا قَالَ أَوَلَوْ كُنَّا كَٰرِهِينَ 88

 قَدِ ٱفْتَرَيْنَا عَلَى ٱللَّهِ كَذِبًا إِنْ عُدْنَا فِىمِلَّتِكُم بَعْدَ إِذْ نَجَّىٰنَا ٱللَّهُ مِنْهَا وَمَا يَكُونُ لَنَآ أَن نَّعُودَ فِيهَآ إِلَّآ أَن يَشَآءَ ٱللَّهُ رَبُّنَا وَسِعَ رَبُّنَا كُلَّ شَىْءٍ عِلْمًا عَلَى ٱللَّهِ تَوَكَّلْنَا رَبَّنَا ٱفْتَحْ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَقَوْمِنَا بِٱلْحَقِّ وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ ٱلْفَٰتِحِينَ 89

88.  The chieftains of his people, who were scornful, said: Surely we will drive thee out, O Shu-aib, and those who believe with thee, from our township, or ye return to our religion. He said: Even though we hate it?

89a.  We should have invented a lie against Allah if we returned to your religion after Allah hath rescued us from it     
88.  QAALAL-MALA-‘UL-laziinas-tak-baruu  min-  qawmihii  lanukh-rijannaka  yaa-Shu-‘aybu  walla-ziina  ‘aamanuu  ma-‘aka  min-  qar-yatinaaa  ‘aw  lata-‘uudunna  fii  millatinaa.  Qaala  ‘awa  law  kunnaa  kaarihiin.

89a.  Qadifta-raynaa  ‘alAllaahi  kaziban  ‘in  ‘udnaa  fii  millatikum  ba’-da ‘iz  najjaanAllaahu  minhaa.

Haughtiness is found inside the human being, which prevents him from accepting the word of any other individual; that is called `stubbornness or obstinacy. Many people do their loss due to such stubbornness. Satan considers it best source of misleading the mankind. It is the effect of this characteristic that the mankind does not acknowledge superiority of any other person, but wants to stick to his own hits. That is why, when any individual is enraged due to any reason, then big problem comes before the advisers. The Devil seduces the human being every time that: You are right but those are wrong who cause to understand you.

Behold: What was answer of the arrogant chieftains of Madian, the nation of Prophet Shu-‘aib (blessing on Him)? It is commanded in this verse that proud chieftains of the folk of Prophet Shu-‘aib (blessing on Him) said to Him after hearing the advice from Prophet Shu-‘aib (blessing on Him): If you will speak more invigoratingly, then either we shall drive you and your believers out from our township or you will be returned to our religion violently. Prophet Shu-aib (blessing on Him) said: We consider these matters as poison for us, which you have assumed, even though, will you cause to drink us the cup of poison forcibly?

Allah Almighty has rescued us from those wicked deeds and habits, which have been spread into you. If we shall choose intentionally your religion and way of life, it will be meant that, which we have been advising you till now, that all was false. And it will be as though “we have invented a lie against Allah Almighty by saying that our advice was the words of God”. We repent from committing such kind of any sin. You should never think about it that we shall come back toward your religion. This haughtiness and vain pride into the human being, due to which he rejects the advice and commands of Messengers (blessing on Them), is the foundation of infidelity and disbelief. Islam is quite opposite of this nature. It aims: To be ready every time to accept any advice and it is the origin of the Belief.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif). https://youtu.be/la7la3847a8

Sunday, 17 November 2019

What does it mean? - Quran Chapter 7 – 87 (Pt-8, Stg-2) (L-995) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 7 – 87 (Pt-8, Stg-2) (L-995) - درس قرآن

What does it mean?

Chapter ‘Al-‘A’raaf (The Heights) – Surah – 7)

‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. 
(I seek refuge in God from Satan the outcast)


(In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful)
Prophet Shu-aib (peace be upon Him) had delivered that Message to His nation, for which, He was appointed by Allah Almighty and tried His best to cause to know them. At last, even He frightened to the disbelievers: If you will not accept it, you will be involved in the wrath of Allah Almighty.

We should think: What is the purpose of describing these stories in the Holy Qur’an? Obviously, its purpose is not only an amusement to pass the time or a joke, as nowadays; fabulists or story-tellers cause to hear the people by making different stories, which are useless but to pass the spare time. The aim of the story-teller is to earn some financial benefits by selling the false stories. But it is never the aim of Holy Qur’an (Allah preserve us from it).

Its only and main object is: the human being should be saved from the detriments of the inundation of humankind’s natural desires and he should be caused to understand that: Your wellness is not possible if you will not train your wishes according to the specific rules. One way to obtain work from one’s natural desires has been fixed for the human being in the world. And this method has been determined by Him, Who has created it. He sent His Messengers (peace be upon Them) to cause to understand it, and when sense of the mankind reached a specific standard, then He revealed this Way in His last Scripture i.e. Holy Qur’an very clearly. And He appointed His last Messenger; Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him) to convey this guidance in the entire world and teach the method: How to act upon it. And since the Holy Qur’an is the last Heavenly Scripture, therefore, it was compulsory that the summary of the teachings of ancient Messengers (peace be upon Them) were to be mentioned in It. And which advantage was reaped by different people during different times by obeying Them, and which punishment was given to those who disobeyed Their Commands, that was required to be described before the people of every era, so that, they may not be ruined due to involving in the whirlpool of their wishes like them who passed away before them. And they should try to escape from those errors which were committed by the early people. Now we should meditate into these points serially:

1.    First of all, there is a story of Adam (peace be upon Him). Purpose of Stay of the human being in the world has been illustrated well in it. The human beings have strength, power and desires into them, by means of which, they may destroy themselves, as well as these may be a source of their deliverance from God’s wrath. Satan is enemy of the mankind. He will cause to consider him always: Your powers are free from all kinds of restrictions and your desires are to be fulfilled completely in this world.

2.    Attack of the Devil stabbed apparently the nation of Noah (peace be upon Him). They forgot Allah Almighty and established upper and lower classes among the people.

3.    ‘Aad and then Thamud adopted to use their strength freely in tyrannizing and considered: Neither there is anyone more powerful than us, nor Allah Almighty exists and nor the Messenger (peace be upon Him) is something. They made the feeble people their slaves and took labor from them just as it is taken from the animals.

4.    The tribe of Lot (peace be upon Him) passed away in the flood of their wishes (sodomy), they disgraced and scorned the human race, and at last, arranged to remove themselves from the world’s page.

5.    The people of Madian made their wishes unbridled too. They wished to fill their own houses with those goods, which were necessary for human life. And they tried to keep other people deprived of those things.

Consequence of those entire nations was destruction and ruin. Holy Qur’an says: Be saved from such deeds, otherwise you will also be destroyed.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif). https://youtu.be/10s_Gl6OObk

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Decision of discord - Quran Chapter 7 – 87 (Pt-8, Stg-2) (L-994) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 7 – 87 (Pt-8, Stg-2) (L-994) - درس قرآن

Decision of discord

Chapter ‘Al-‘A’raaf (The Heights) – Surah – 7)

‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. 
(I seek refuge in God from Satan the outcast)


(In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful)

وَإِن كَانَ طَآئِفَةٌ مِّنكُمْءَامَنُوا۟ بِٱلَّذِىٓ أُرْسِلْتُ بِهِۦ وَطَآئِفَةٌ لَّمْ يُؤْمِنُوا۟ فَٱصْبِرُوا۟ حَتَّىٰ يَحْكُمَ ٱللَّهُ بَيْنَنَا وَهُوَ خَيْرُ ٱلْحَٰكِمِينَ 87

87.  And if there is a party of you which believeth in that wherewith I have been sent, and there is a party which believeth not, then have patience until Allah judge between us. And He is the Best of all who deal in judgment.     
87. Wa  ‘in  kaana  taaa-‘ifatum-minkum  ‘aamanuu  bil-laziii  ‘ur-siltu  bihii  wa  taaa-‘ifa-tul-lam  yu’-minuu  fas-biruu  hattaa  yah-kumAllaahu  bay-nanaa.  Wa  Hu-wa  Khayrul-Haakimiin.

Prophet Shu-aib (peace be upon Him) explained before His nation: Believe in Allah Almighty. Listen to that Message, which He has sent unto you through Me and act upon it. I have come to you, sent by Him, and whatever I say; that is for your wellness. Tokens of Mine being truth are very clear. You should not have any doubt in My Prophet-hood. Correct your dealings with people. Give full measure and full weight, and wrong not mankind in their goods. Work not confusion in the earth after the fair ordering. Don’t torment anyone. You should not try to mislead by threatening or enticing any such individual, who is ready to act upon fair matter after hearing. There are many proofs and arguments for believing in Allah Almighty. Is this proof not sufficient that He caused to promote you from a lower level to higher? Your population was few, He increased it. You had not enough food and other commodities to fulfill your requirements, now those are in superabundance. This entire is kindness of Allah Almighty, otherwise, if He had ensnared you in diseases, droughts and other disasters, then neither your population could be increased and nor wealth. It is not too much difficult to understand these straight forward words. And it is surprising that maximum people from you do not understand them.

It is commanded that Prophet Shu-aib (peace be upon Him) said to His nation after causing to know them: If even now, you all people don’t understand My sayings, and if there is a party of you which believes in that wherewith I have been sent, and there is a party which does not believe, then I cannot compel all of you to understand and believe. It is not My Post that I should enforce you towards the Straight Path, which has been prescribed by Allah Almighty. If some of you believe and some disbelieve, then its final decision is not in My Hand that the believers are successful and disbelievers are failure. This decision is in the Control of Allah Almighty.

I frighten from the wrath of Allah Almighty to those people, who disbelieve. None is better but He is the Best of all who deal in Judgment. Whatever He decides, issues that decision at once also. Nobody can obstruct Him. What can I do now other than it that I should leave the decision for Him and say: You should have patience until the judgment of Allah and I too.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif). https://youtu.be/wfhu4NMchXA

Friday, 15 November 2019

Learn from the End of wrongdoers - Quran Chapter 7 – 86b (Pt-8, Stg-2) (L-993) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 7 – 86b (Pt-8, Stg-2) (L-993) - درس قرآن

Learn from the End of wrongdoers

Chapter ‘Al-‘A’raaf (The Heights) – Surah – 7)

‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. 
(I seek refuge in God from Satan the outcast)


(In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful)

وَلَا تَقْعُدُوا۟ بِكُلِّ صِرَٰطٍ تُوعِدُونَ وَتَصُدُّونَ عَنسَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ مَنْ ءَامَنَ بِهِۦ وَتَبْغُونَهَا عِوَجًا وَٱذْكُرُوٓا۟ إِذْ كُنتُمْ قَلِيلًا فَكَثَّرَكُمْ وَٱنظُرُوا۟ كَيْفَ كَانَ عَٰقِبَةُ ٱلْمُفْسِدِينَ 86

86b. And remember, when ye were but few, how He did multiply you. And see the nature of the consequence for the corrupters!    
86b.  Waz-kuruuu  ‘iz  kuntum  qaliilan  fakas-sarakum.  Wan-zuruu  kayfa  kaana  ‘aaqi-batul-muf-siduun.
Summary of the teachings of God’s Messengers (peace be upon Them) and His Scriptures is that there is no other way of mankind’s prosperity, success and wellness than that he should know his Creator; God Almighty and get ready to obey His Commands wholeheartedly, and he should not listen to anyone against Him. He should consider himself Satan or an individual entrapped in his snare who causes to understand him save this path. And one should reject his word totally. The easiest way to know Allah Almighty is this, which has been described in this verse in the form of the Saying of Prophet Shu-aib (peace be upon Him).  

It is commanded that Prophet Shu-aib (peace be upon Him) said to His nation: Think about it, when you were only a handful people before now. You had very less quantities of the goods, which you needed for your life. After that, you became a very powerful nation. Your enumeration of population was increased very much, and as well as, the stacks of life equipage were piled with you.

Now you are a rich and honorable nation. You can understand easily from this improvement that it was a big favor of Allah Almighty, which He granted to you. If He had not done acts of kindness on you, you would have adopted such ways, due to which, you would have remained without children and suffered scarcity of the necessities of life. You should think about those people also who were before you. They forgot Allah Almighty, adopted bad habits and corruption spread in the world due to their wicked deeds. Peace and safety was removed. At last, they were ruined and removed from the page of the world like a wrong word.

If none of mankind will believe in Allah Almighty, the people will consider that family breed and financial developments are consequence of knowledge and effort, then nothing efficacious will remain more, which may resist the mischief. Everyone presumes that he is powerful than others. Incumbent result of which is that every individual begins to consider other people inferior to him and tries to keep them under pressure.

Obviously, no one is ready to remain inferior to any other and everyone is engaged to increase own power and strength. Resultant, everyone tries to collect the equipment of destruction for other people in spite of spending his wealth, strength and attempt in useful humanitarian works and projects. His wealth and strength is wasted in collection of the equipment of destruction. If now, there was war, then all were killed. Otherwise if the war did not take place, then goods for life continued to be less. The point of dying reached. Finally, both forms can bring nothing save ruin.

This advice of Prophet Shu-aib (peace be upon Him) is useful, even today too as it was then. There are own sensual desires only, which resist from accepting it. Selfish person is not ready to consider other people equal to him easily. Therefore, he is inclined to tyrannize and trouble others to fulfill his own wishes.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif). https://youtu.be/7S41BdVLCGI

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Preventing others from the Right Path - Quran Chapter 7 – 86a (Pt-8, Stg-2) (L-992) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 7 – 86a (Pt-8, Stg-2) (L-992) - درس قرآن

Preventing others from the Right Path

Chapter ‘Al-‘A’raaf (The Heights) – Surah – 7)

‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. 
(I seek refuge in God from Satan the outcast)


(In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful)

وَلَا تَقْعُدُوا۟ بِكُلِّ صِرَٰطٍ تُوعِدُونَ وَتَصُدُّونَ عَنسَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ مَنْ ءَامَنَ بِهِۦ وَتَبْغُونَهَا عِوَجًا وَٱذْكُرُوٓا۟ إِذْ كُنتُمْ قَلِيلًا فَكَثَّرَكُمْ وَٱنظُرُوا۟ كَيْفَ كَانَ عَٰقِبَةُ ٱلْمُفْسِدِينَ 86

86a.  And lurk not on every path to threaten (wayfarers), and to turn away from Allah’s path him who believeth in Him, and to seek to make it crooked.
86a.  Wa  laa  taq-‘uduu  bi-kulli  siraatin  tuu-‘iduuna  wa  tasudduuna  ‘an  Sabii-LIllaahi  maa  ‘aamana  biHii  wa  tab-guunahaa  ‘i-wajaa.        

When Prophet Shu-aib (peace be upon Him) began to advise the people of Madian and the sweet words spoken by Him began to touch the hearts of listeners, then astray people of His nation established places, where people used to meet on the coming and going paths, and began to prevent the people to see Prophet Shu-aib (peace be upon Him) and hear Him. Even that, they began to threaten them and find faults with the Path, shown by Him. And they began also to persuade to keep their footing on their bad path. Then Prophet Shu-aib (peace be upon Him) commanded them: Behold! Don’t do so, you should neither blockade the path of people and nor prevent them by threatening from their coming unto Me and that way of bargaining, which Allah Almighty has determined, and nor try to finish them, who have believed in Allah Almighty and are ready to obey His Commands. And you should not pick holes in the Straight Path willing or not willing. And you should not stir up to give it up by creating doubts of various sorts regarding the religion in the hearts of the people.

Satan had undertaken from the beginning to destroy the human being at every cost. The history of humankind is witness that the Devil did not leave it unfinished by trying His best. When and where He got any opportunity, He tried to mislead the innocent mankind from the straight and simple way.

The Devil knows the matters very well, in which areas the good is for mankind. This attempt is easy for Him that somehow He should not let human being do good works. He tries to misguide the people from the straight path towards altogether crooked way always. He knows that goodness of human being is hidden in it that he/she should believe that Allah Almighty is his/her Creator, God and Lord. He/she should recognize the Messengers of God (peace be upon Them) and obey Them and he/she should ensure that: If I shall not obey God’s Messengers, certainly I will be punished at last, due to disobeying the Messengers.         

Satan says to the human being: Allah is nothing, everything; which exists; that is; you and your own strength, so, you should stretch out yourself and your strength, as much as it may be possible. Everything for you is; this world. You should not listen to the Messengers (peace be upon Them). They ensnare you in labor; willing or not willing, and prevent you from ease and comfort of the world, and as its retaliation, they promise for the Garden, which has neither been by anyone nor heard.

Whenever any group of the Devil’s disciples holds command of any place, that group runs government according to Satan’s instructions, which is: Keep established authority. Get your words acknowledged by the people. Do neither listen to the Messengers (peace be upon Them) and Their followers, nor let others hear. Compel the people by threat or greed; to obey you.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif). https://youtu.be/w-4w3C-wAds

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Evil deeds of the people of Midian - Quran Chapter 7 – 85b (Pt-8, Stg-2) (L-991) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 7 – 85b (Pt-8, Stg-2) (L-991) - درس قرآن

Evil deeds of the people of Midian

Chapter ‘Al-‘A’raaf (The Heights) – Surah – 7)

‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. 
(I seek refuge in God from Satan the outcast)


(In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful)

وَإِلَىٰ مَدْيَنَ أَخَاهُمْ شُعَيْبًا قَالَ يَٰقَوْمِ ٱعْبُدُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ مَا لَكُم مِّنْ إِلَٰهٍ غَيْرُهُۥ قَدْ جَآءَتْكُم بَيِّنَةٌ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ فَأَوْفُوا۟ ٱلْكَيْلَ وَٱلْمِيزَانَ وَلَا تَبْخَسُوا۟ٱلنَّاسَ أَشْيَآءَهُمْ وَلَا تُفْسِدُوا۟ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ بَعْدَ إِصْلَٰحِهَا ذَٰلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ 85

85b.  So give full measure and full weight and wrong not mankind in their goods, and work not confusion in the earth after the fair ordering thereof. That will be better for you, if ye are believers.  
85b.  Fa-‘awful-kayla  wal-miizaana  wa  laa  tab-khasun-naasa  ‘ash-yaaa-‘ahum  wa  laa  tufsiduu  fil-‘arzi  ba’-da  ‘is-laahihaa.  Zaalikum  khay-rullakum  ‘in  kuntum-Mu’-miniin.     

It has been mentioned in this verse that, from which wicked deeds, Prophet Shu-aib (peace be upon Him) desired to forbid His nation, and which words, He used to cause to understand them for this purpose. The evils, described in the verse, had been in force into the people of Midian.

It is commanded that Prophet Shu-aib (peace be upon Him) said to His nation: those things, which you give to other people after taking full payment, if those belong to measurement, you should measure them at full scale, if those are relating to weight, then you should weigh them with full weight. You should not give the commodities of necessities to the people with less than required weight, and while the method of bargaining has been settled and the people began to perform their jobs satisfactorily, then now you should not raise unlawful quarrels by measuring or weighing less than the required quantity and depriving their rights.

You should not consider that if you deprived the right of any feeble person, he will say nothing being a poor, helpless and miserable. The individual, who believes in Allah Almighty, can never think so. He knows that: Allah Almighty is Lord also of that poor, helpless and miserable person as of me. If I shall trouble any junior/inferior person, considering myself senior/superior, God Almighty will punish me in its retribution, because I am going to harm one of His servants without any reason and molesting him.

It seems that during that era, any kind of currency i.e. $, Pd or any kind of coin was not yet introduced or if, there was, then it was not common. Then barter system was in use, that is to say; if anyone had any kind of one commodity, he used to exchange it according to own necessities. Rates of bazaar were fixed that; after giving a certain thing, you can get so and so of own necessity as that quantity. Therefore, seller and purchaser used to give and take by measuring and weighing, keeping account of the rate of their commodities.

In Midian, this selfishness had arisen that the individual, who had commodity of necessity, he used to take the commodity of its actual measure or weight, but he used to give own commodity to the necessitous individual, less in quantity than the market rate. Anyhow, the order for price is the same, whether that is commodity or cash, that, when the price has been taken in full, then the commodity should also be given with full measure or weight.

Prophet Shu-aib (peace be upon Him) made this wickedness clear and urged to remove this tendency because at the time of taking anything, taking it at full scale and at the time of giving anything; giving less in weight or measure; is just like depriving the right of any other; and marring the concluded rate of bazaar, which means “working confusion in the earth after the fair ordering thereof.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif). https://youtu.be/awbOX8SlBj4

Commentary on Last Scripture

  Commentary on Last Scripture Volume 1   Lessons # 1 to 528 from Parts 1 to 4 of Holy Qur’an, Lessons from Chapters: 1.’Al -Faatiha...