Quran Chapter
2-75 (Pt-1, Stg-1) (L-106) - درس قرآن
Transposition in the Word of God
Surah ‘Al-Baqarah (The Cow) – Chapter – 2)
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the
75. Have ye any hope that they will
be true to you when a party of them used to listen to the word of Allah, then
used to change it, after they had understood it, knowingly.
75. ‘Afa-tatma-‘uuna
‘any-yu’-minuu lakum wa qad kaana fariiqum-minhum
yasma-‘uuna KalaamAllaahi summa yuharri-fuunahuu mim-ba’-di maa
‘aqaluuhu wa hum ya’-lamuun.
Tatma-‘uuna – (you have any hope) this word has
been derived from Tama-’a. Common meanings of Tama-’a are
‘to long for’, ‘to have greed’ and also it means ‘to hope’, ‘to expect’. Here
it signifies towards the last meaning.
Yuharri-fuunahuu – (they used
to change it), origin of this word is harafa and infinitive mood
is tahriif, which means ‘change’. There are two ways of changing
the words:
- Literal changing (to change the words, to change
its pronunciation, so that reality of the word may be changed. For
instance; the Jews used to speak the words ‘hintatun’ instead of ‘hittatun’
and ‘ra-iina’ instead of ‘raa-‘ina’).
- Significant change (to change the meanings of the
words – in translation and explanation).
After telling the
important happenings in the history of the Children of Israel, God
Almighty commands in the previous verse that these people will not
admit/recognize any warning from these Revelations because their hearts have
become harder than rocks. Exemplary happenings have no effects on their hearts.
In this verse, Allah
Almighty admonishes the Muslims, “Do you wish that they should be agree to your
sayings, whereas from their ancestors, during the period of Prophet Moses
(peace be upon Him) and after them also there was a party, which used to change
intentionally after listening to the Speech of God Almighty. While it was the
condition of their elders then; Have you any hope that they will be true to
you? How can you expect from them of goodness? They are ill-disposed people.
They will never believe.
It appears from God
Almighty’s such proclamation that the Muslims should not have much expectation
regarding acceptance of Islam by the Jews.